2025 Dates
Second Sunday of each month except for May
April 13th - May 18th - June 8th-July 13th- August 10th - September14th - October 12th
****Check Calendar for cancelation****
Open to Air Capital Gun Club members & the public.
Program Contact
Wayne Hott
(316) 706-6964
Nearest town is Whitewater, Kansas. When approaching from North or South, use I-135 to Exit 25 (Kansas 196) and proceed approximately 6 miles East to Harvey CO road 835 (East Lake Road), turn North and drive 2 miles to Southeast 48th Street. From the intersection of SE 48th St. and East Lake Rd., drive approx. .6 mile West to Club entrance on South side of road.
If approaching from Kansas Turnpike, leave the Turnpike at El Dorado, KS, take Kansas 196 West past Whitewater to the intersection of Harvey CO road 835 (East Lake Road) and Kansas 196 then proceed as above.
GPS coordinates are:
N 37 degrees 59.071 minutes
W 97 degrees 13.086 minutes