2025 Dates

This year we will combine the Antique and Modern Military matches

Last Saturday of each month

March 29th- April 26th - May 31st - June 28th-July 26th- August 30st - September 27th - October 25th

****Check Calendar for cancelation****

a picture of a sticker that says 'photo coming soon'

Program Contact

Don Neice

(316) 617-3707

Email Us

Program Rules Antique Military

  • All range safety rules will be followed.
  • Any pre M-16 iron sighted military combat issue rifle. Any National match or target variant will not be scored with the combat issue rifles.
  • Chamber Flags are required for all weapons.
  • Course of Fire-
  • 3 (10 shot) strings from bench at SR 1c target.
  • 1 (10 shot) string Standing at SR1 target.
  • Total of 40 shots for 400 points.
  • All shots at 100 yards.
  • Match Directors rulings are FINAL.

Program Rules Modern Military

Course of fire

Ear and Eye protection is mandatory

Chamber flags required.

All shots at 100 yds

May shoot as many sighters as necessary

Three 10 shot strings bench rest

One  10 shot string standing

Ten minutes allowed for each 10 shot string

All shots at 100yards.

All ACGC range rules will be followed.

Match Director has the final say.

New Paragraph


Nearest town is Whitewater, Kansas. When approaching from North or South, use I-135 to Exit 25 (Kansas 196) and proceed approximately 6 miles East to Harvey CO road 835 (East Lake Road), turn North and drive 2 miles to Southeast 48th Street. From the intersection of SE 48th St. and East Lake Rd., drive approx. .6 mile West to Club entrance on South side of road.

If approaching from Kansas Turnpike, leave the Turnpike at El Dorado, KS, take Kansas 196 West past Whitewater to the intersection of Harvey CO road 835 (East Lake Road) and Kansas 196 then proceed as above.

GPS coordinates are:
N 37 degrees 59.071 minutes
W 97 degrees 13.086 minutes

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