Any citizen of the United States may become a member of the Air Capital Gun Club on vote of the Executive committee.  This will be done after fulfilling the requirements of a category of membership described in the by-laws, paying the required initiation fee and dues, and subscribing to the following pledge: 

"I certify that I am a Citizen of good repute of the United States of America; that I am not a member of any organization or group having as its purpose or one of its purposes the overthrow by force and violence of the Government of the United States or any of its political subdivisions; that I have never been convicted of a crime of violence; and that, if admitted to membership, I will fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship."

We have 5 categories of membership available.

  • Annual Membership:  For any person 21 years of age or older who pays the initiation fee and annual dues.
  • Lifetime Membership:  For any person 21 years of age or older who pays the initiation fee and the Life Membership dues.
  • Five-Year Membership:  For any person 21 years of age or older who pays the initiation fee and Five Year Membership dues.
  • Junior Membership:  For any person under the age of 21 who pays the Junior Membership dues.
  • Annual-Family Membership:  Any person 21 years of age or older who is the spouse, Junior of a paying adult member who pays the Annual-Family Member dues.
  • One time Initiation Fee: As a new member, there is a one time initiation fee of $100. That fee is not applied  the following year when you renew.

Membership Term

January 1st to December 31st

A NRA membership is required and you need two current members in good standing to sponsor you.  Membership sponsors can usually be found by attending one of our shooting matches and telling the match director you are looking for a sponsor to become a member.  Your name is read at two monthly meetings you must attend and then you are voted on for acceptance. Monthly meetings are held on the First Saturday of the month at 8:00AM in Spears Restaurant (4323 W. Maple, Wichita, KS). These meetings are open to the public & you will need to identify yourself as a guest. 

Range orientation is required before final acceptance and a gate combination is issued.   New member orientation is always performed at the Air Capital Gun Club facility by an officer of the club or a Match Director. Orientation can be performed on the day of any scheduled shooting event or work day when a Match Director or club officer is present. 

All of our matches are open to the public.

Monthly Meeting Location

Download Membership Application

Once you complete the application, you may send it via USPS mail to the following address:

ACGC members
P.O. Box 161051
Wichita, Kansas 67216

You may also send your completed application via email to:

Have questions?  Feel free to reach out to our Membership Chairman below.

Don Neice


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