2025 Dates
Last Sunday of each month except July and August
March 30th- April 27th - May 25th - June 30th- July 29th - September 28th - October 26th
****Check Calendar for cancelation****
Program Contact
Dean Schroer
(316) 832-9159
Course of fire
Match Course
Shooters begin at 50 yards with a 10 minute sighting or practice period.
1) One 10 shot slow fire string in the prone position.
2) Two 5 shot rapid fire strings in prone.
3) One 10 shot slow fire string in the kneeling or sitting position.
4) Two 5 shot rapid fire strings in the kneeling or sitting position.
Shooters then move to the 25 yard line where the match concludes with:
1) One 10 shot slow fire string in the standing position.
2) Two 5 shot rapid fire strings in the standing position.
A total of 60 shots are recorded.