2025 Dates

First Sunday of each month

 April 6th - May 4th - June 1st-July 6th- August 3rd - September 7th - October 5th

****Check Calendar for cancelation****

New 2025 Match Rate is $5.00

a picture of a sticker that says 'photo coming soon'

Program Contact

Christina Davidson

For quicker response use the provided phone number


Program Rules
  • photo of several men and woman standing at gun range

    Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • young woman taking aim holding a rifle at gun range

    Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • group of men and women posing for camera at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • looking down line of men and young people shooting rifles at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • man wearing ear protection while shooting a rifle at gun range table

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    Write your caption here
  • young boy taking aim with a rifle at gun range table

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    Write your caption here
  • man sitting at gun range table getting ready to shoot a rifle

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    Write your caption here
  • groupe of several men standing in line for photo at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • man in black shirt aiming a rifle at gun range table

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    Write your caption here
  • man in camouflage hat looking in ammo bag at rifle range

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    Write your caption here
  • man in blue shirt smiling at camera sitting with rifle at gun range table

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    Write your caption here
  • man in black shirt taking aim with rifle at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • man standing in overalls wearing ear protection at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • young man aiming rifle at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • man in blue shirt and blue hat aiming rifle at gun range

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    Write your caption here
  • several men at gun range line holding rifles aimed down range

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    Write your caption here

This match is becoming one our fastest growing matches. We are excited to have a youth class for this discipline but it is fun for all ages!!!

Christina is a new Match Director this year and has expressed her enthusiasm to make the match more fun this year. There will be more to come in the future so please check back regularly for updates and new photos.

Below is a link to a YouTube video that shows you the target and how much fun this can be

Target set up and shooting
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